Monday, February 23, 2009

Newspaper article

The newspaper article that I am going to talk about is "Handcuffed Singaporean flees from custody in Malaysia". The newspaper article is from The Straits Times, 23 February 2009. The newspaper article is a character-driven story.In a character-driven story, the events are arised from the characters. Each new scene is the result of the reactions and interactions of the characters. All these aspects appeared in the newspaper article"Handcuffed Singaporean flees from custody in Malaysia"as all the things mentioned in the newspaper article was caused by the main character Jay Chia Shao Kiat who is 32 years old. Everything started when he started drug trafficking which caused him to be arrested. Then, he faces the death sentence. When Jay, who was escorted by two policemen, left the court, he returned to his lock-up in a police vehicle. When the vehicle stopped, Jay managed to shove one of the policemen out of the vehicle. Then, he escaped with his hands still handcuffed behind his back. Now, policemen are searching for him in Malaysia. In my own opinion, I think that from the start, Jay should not have done such a foolish thing like drug trafficking. In the end, he will be punished serverely and his future will be destroyed. If I were him, I will never do such a foolish thing as drug trafficking is also illegal and whenever I want to do something, I will think twice before I start to do it.

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