Thursday, April 9, 2009

Should tagbox even appear in blogs?

Tagbox is placed in blogs so that readers can comment on the blog post without having to type them into the comments box. However, sometimes, tagboxes are being misused and people write silly comments there.The problem with tagboxes is that we have the freedom of choice whether to put in our real name or remain anonymous. It allows short comments to be posted and the name is not restricted, unlike a comments box, which place the name automatically.This has resulted in the misuse of tagboxes. Many infringes the name of their friends and post nasty comments on others, thereby causing the innocent to get into hot soup. Some uses fake personalities, like stating himself as one's boyfriend/girlfriend, and tags on his/her tagbox, causing his/her friends and relatives to get mistakened.This is dangerous as one may state that he/she is a terrorist and wants to destroy a particular country. This will cause unnecessary trouble and confusion around the particular country.Therefore, the question is, "Should tagboxes exists in blogs? Should readers get the freedom of choice whether to state their own name or remain anonymous?"(This is what Yong Rui stated)
Personally, I think that tagbox should appear in blogs so that people can give comments easily but at the same time the owner of the blog should take note of some comments in their tagbox as some of the things stated there is false.

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