Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weiss Schwarz(ws)Introductory Strategies and Combos Part 2:Card Statistics


In this game, every Level will bring about some radical changes in Power stats. The below is a short compilation of “standard” stats that is across the board for all series. These cards normally do not hold any abilities and are considered the “staple” stats of each Level and cost.

As the game progresses, the role of each card will take upon different roles. This is of course, flexible to the individual but here are some strategies to consider:


This is the level where the playing field is normally pretty constant. This level is also the time when you have no Stock at your disposal to do anything really fancy, nor expect any from the opponent. Playing Lv0/0 characters are of utmost importance during this time so that you can steadily build up your Stock for mid/late game’s use. Most players also dish out their supporting characters early in the game to gain Stock and grab an early foothold for the later part of the game.

Characters who have low or no cost abilities are very recommended for play under certain circumstances to increase a fighting chance during this point of time as any advantage should be taken to it’s full potential during this point of time.


The game truely begins only when you reach Level 1. During these two level, players must still take into account Stock count, attack strategy as well as possible Counter attack strategies.

During Level 1, most players should have access to some stronger cards (compared to Level 0) which are still relatively low cost. Most Level 1s are 0 or 1 cost so they shouldn’t be draining your Stock too much. 0 cost Level 1s have low survivability as they normally do not go above 5500 Power.

I advice players to still not pay too much heed to Lv 1 Character’s survivability because they’re simply not worth your 3 Stock. However, a great 1/0 Character would have Encore (Put a Character to Waiting Room) ability. Coupled with additional abilities, they are really worth a slot in any deck. A normal balanced deck should have around 12 to 14 Lv 1 Characters.

The game will normally proceed to Lv 2 with a couple of turns. The pace of the game should increase dramatically after that. This is where the fruits of saving up Stock early will come into play. Now with almost full access to all cards in the player’s deck, their Power stats and abilities will dramatically change the gameplay of each deck.

During this time, many powerful abilities can change the game dramatically and cause a big change in Stage presence as well as damage counts. A game can probably end in one turn by Leveling the opponent up to 2 or 3 Levels in a go (based on luck, statistics, tactics, or all the above). The strategy by now is to gain as much damage advantage as possible while reducing the opponent’s possibility of recovery.

Support cards that can be played during Mid game normally brings about big changes and very powerful stat increments. Most balanced decks should contain 8-10 Level 2s.


And finally the conclusion of each games are during Level 3. This is the time to determine the winner of the game.It is true that most Level 3 Characters are awesome but remember, once a player is at Level 3, it just means that it is going to be over for him too sooner or later too.

I recommended 2 or 3 Level 3s should be in a deck (if the player finds it necessary).

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