Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Weiss Schwarz(ws)Introductory Strategies and Combos Part 3: Climax cards


Climax cards are a unique card type that has not been seen in any other card game. Card design wise, it is a horizontal card and has it’s own unique slot on the Stage. It is the lifeblood of the game as it is what makes WS dramatic. These cards have abilities to change the tide of the game due to their many different uses. The key to using Climax cards from hand is to use it to your maximum advantage as you can only use one once per turn.

1) 【Continuous】 All your Character cards gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul.
【永】 あなたのキャラすべてに、パワーを+1000し、ソウルを+1。

This Climax card is probably the “Staple” Climax card in a player’s arsenal. This Climax card enables to player to gain a much needed Power boost and Soul boost to deal an opponent a moderately high Damage count. The new sets now have special Trigger icons plastered to this Climax type so most players will definitely use this at a certain point of time.

2) 【Continuous】 All your Character cards gain +2 Soul.
【永】 あなたのキャラすべてに、ソウルを+2。

This Climax card is the Climax card you need when you want to deal damage. Loads of them. By using this Climax card, you gain high Soul count and can have 2 different methods of using it. You can either use it to flip as much Climax cards out as possible to reduce cancellation in future, or you can deal massive damage if your opponent has already cancelled/Stock most of his Climax cards.

3) 【Auto】 When you play this card from your hand to your Climax slot, draw 1 card. Choose one of your Character cards. During this turn, that card gains +3 Soul.
【自】 このカードが手札からクライマックス置場に置かれた時、あなたは1枚引き、自分のキャラを1枚選び、そのターン中、ソウルを+3。

This Climax card is a rather useful Climax card. By playing this card, you do not lose hand advantage as you draw a card upon it’s activation. Adding 3 Soul to a Character can be used to knock off any possible Climax card cancellation that you might face in your Attack cycle. Of course, if you’re confident/lucky, you can also use it to cause serious damage.

4)【Auto】 When you play this card from your hand to your Climax slot, put 1 card from the top of your deck to your Stock. During this turn, all your Character cards gain +1 Soul.
【自】 このカードが手札からクライマックス置場に置かれた時、あなたは自分の山札の上から1枚を、ストック置場に置き、自分のキャラすべてに、そのターン中、ソウルを+1。

This Climax card is a very useful card for high cost decks. When you play this card, it automatically generates 1 Stock for your deck. Rather essential for high cost decks such as Excaliber Saber or high cost beatdowns. Of course, the +1 Soul increment to all your Characters also helps in dealing damage to the opponent in the mean time.

4)【Auto】 When you play this card from your hand to your Climax slot, draw 1 card. During this turn, all your Character cards gain +1 000 Power.

The rarest Climax card type in the game. This card adds +1000 Power instead of Soul. Excellent for low powered decks as they will be given the powerboost, yet also no lost in card advantage.

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