Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Weiss Schwarz(ws)Introductory Strategies and Combos Part 8: Character Card Abilities

In the game of WS exist a wide range of card abilities. The explanation of the abilities will show the diversifying effects that stretch over the whole game.


The following are the different main classification of different abilities in this game.

1) 【自】【A】【Auto】

This classification of abilities trigger upon a certain fulfilment stated on the card ability. They also happen on the opponent’s turn as long as the text is fulfilled.

2) 【起】【S】【Startup】

This classification of abilities are abilities that can only be triggered at the turn player’s Main Phase. They can be activated any number of times as long as the ability requirements can be fulfilled.

3) 【永】【C】【Continuous】

This classification of abilities are abilities that are not triggered but affects the card by the conditions set by the text. The card is affected in real time and might also be active during the opponent’s turn depending on the card’s text.


There are several types of Character abilities and i have listed them under a few different types:

1) Assistance

These cards basically support cards either in the front lines by certain means or they help by providing certain evasions, boosts and other effects. There are different kinds of supporting Character cards as well. Some of them boost Character cards by improving their Power, Soul, Level, or take their place when they are sent to Waiting Room.

Some support Character cards have specific requirements or targets for their abilities. Usually they revolve around Character card names, position or Character card Traits. Effective positioning or target selections can help the player attain certain boosts they require.

2) Boost

These cards are Character cards that boost their own stat abilities through certain conditions present on the Stage. They usually tap on the existence of certain cards that are in play on the Stage.

3) Control

This series of Character cards are used to control either the Stage, your hand or opponent’s hand. They can range from non-combat Character card destruction, hand control, play control as well deck control. Some cards allow the player to manipulate what they want in their hand, deck. or Waiting Room. These cards sometimes affect cards and send them to Memories too.

4) Counter/Backup

This series of Character cards are used to foil your opponent’s plans to rid you of Stage presence. You can use this to prevent the Reverse of important Character cards. Of course, your opponent can return the favour when you attack with it…

5)Advance Summon/Change

These types of cards are special in the sense that they forego the Level restriction of the game rules and summon out a Character of a higher level then the player. These cards normally perform very efficiently, however their costs are usually abysmal, thus Stock control will become a challenge in such decks

6) Special

These types of cards are Character cards that do slightly different things. They are cards that deal damage without commencing battle, remove damage, or other purposes such as cost payment substitution. They alter the Stage or condition of the game in ways normally not attainable by just conventional play alone. Special play of Character cards to the Stage are also included in this category.

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